This thrilling tale revolves around Dheeraj (Zuber K Khan), a handsome young man who is employed, and in love with Payal (Tanvi Arora), the daughter of a wealthy businessmen. Payal's father is completely against the idea of his daughter having an intimate relationship with Dheeraj. So, Payal feels that she has no other choice but to elope with him, against her father's wishes.
Soon after the couple get married, Payal falls ill and when admitted to the hospital, Dheeraj is told that he would have to arrange for Rs 15 lakhs to treat her since she is ailing from brain tumour. Dheeraj, desperately in need of money, meets his college friend Monty (Aryan Chopra) who is married to a well-to-do girl Monika (Sonia Bajawa). Monty is ready to help Dheeraj on one condition.
In the meanwhile, Monika is found dead and Dheeraj is arrested for her murder.
What happens later? Is Dheeraj guilty? What is Monty's condition? Does Payal get well?