This humorous social drama revolves around Dhanush, a sincere man who works in a supermarket. He is in dire financial straits and struggles to make ends meet, but is also a capable employee. His female boss develops a crush on him when he saves her from a snake.
Working in a supermarket, Dhanush comes into contact with several characters including the warden of a women's hostel, a Circle Inspector. It also turns out that three of the people Dhanush comes in contact with are identical triplets, who had been separated at birth, and grow up to follow different religions and ways of life.
He lives as a paying guest, but when he is forced to look for a different place to stay, he finds it difficult to get any accommodation as a bachelor. So, he decides to join hands with a young woman to pretend as a married couple in order to find rental accommodation. They finally find a space in the house of a wealthy, absent-minded woman, whose greedy son tries to kill her for his inheritance. How will Dhanush's relationship with his female roommate evolve? What will the future hold in store for him and the other people in his life?