This family-oriented relationship drama revolves around Vijay Krishna a talented musician. He lives with his extended family comprising of his three sisters and their respective husbands and all of them are dedicated to excellence in music.
Vijay Krishna's father is very keen to arrange a suitable bride for him, so that he can settle down in life. However, Vijay Krishna is haunted by glimpses of a beautiful woman he has only seen in his dream. The dreams are so powerful that he is driven by a need to find the girl in reality and he makes many attempts but in vain because he has never seen her face and has no knowledge of her identity.
At this critical juncture, Vijay Krishna gets a job as a lecturer in music in Tamil Nadu. Serendipitously, he meets and falls in love with the girl of his dreams, Swapna and proposes marriage to her, which she accepts. In the meantime, his father accepts a marriage proposal on his behalf, for a girl from a suitable family.
In a fateful twist, it turns out that the bride chosen by his family is none other than Swapna's own sister. How will Swapna react when she comes to know of this harsh truth? Will the young lovers be forced to sacrifice their love for the sake of their family's happiness?